Worst case performance | O(n2) |
Best case performance | O(n log n) |
Average case performance | O(n log n) |
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort )
Tip: Randomly shuffle the array before sort to reduce the probability of the Worst case.
class Program { private void Swap(int[] input, int x, int y) { var temp = input[x]; input[x] = input[y]; input[y] = temp; } public int[] QuickSort(int[] input) { this.QuickSort(input, 0, input.Length - 1); return input; } private void QuickSort(int[] input, int low, int high) { if (low < high) { int j = Partition(input, low, high); QuickSort(input, low, j - 1); QuickSort(input, j + 1, high); } } private int Partition(int[] input, int low, int high) { int i=low+1; int j = high; // out of the loop if low value is come to the partition point while (true) { while (input[i] < input[low]) { i++; if (i >= high) { break; } } while (input[j] > input[low]) { j--; if (j <= low) { break; } } if (i >= j) { Swap(input, j, low); break; } else { Swap(input, i, j); } } return j; } static void Main(string[] args) { Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); int arraySize = 10000000; int[] Quick = new int[arraySize]; for (int x = 0; x < Quick.Length; x++) { Quick[x] = x; } for (int x = 0; x < Quick.Length; x++) { int random = r.Next(0, x); var temp = Quick[random]; Quick[random] = Quick[x]; Quick[x] = temp; } var p = new Program(); var StopWtch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); StopWtch.Reset(); StopWtch.Start(); p.QuickSort(Quick); StopWtch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("QUICKSORT: " + StopWtch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + "sec"); Console.ReadLine(); } }